Digitisation of the shopping centre

"Digitisation of the shopping centre - Berlin, Germany"

In May 2022, we digitized the premises of the shopping centre at Linkstraße 4 in Berlin. It involved documenting the actual condition of the premises of an area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters using a high-resolution lidar scanner on the ground floor and the first above-ground floor of the building. Since the documented premises are currently under reconstruction, this meant taking pictures of visibly exposed reinforced concrete structures, walls, air conditioning and other networks running along the ceiling slab. To create a digital model of both floors, data from 120 scanning stations was needed, taking in total approximately 8 hours of work. The data were subsequently processed into a BIM model as a basis for further integration into the facility management software.

Hydrodynamic simulation

"Hydrodynamic simulation- Žiar nad Hronom"

Due to future construction plans near the Hron River in Žiar nad Hronom, it was necessary to create a flood prevention study. Our task was to map the actual condition of the territory. By ground measurement using a GNSS device and lidar installed on structures in a backpack and on an aluminium boat, we created a detailed point cloud with an accuracy of 3-4 cm in the System of Coordinates of the Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network East North with EPSG:5514 code. To prepare the study, it was also necessary to scan the morphological bottom of the Hron River. We obtained data from the morphological bottom from shallow sonar with built-in GPS. The accuracy of the lidar measurement was verified through 70 points measured by the GNSS device with corrections provided by Slovak Real-Time Positioning Service. The output of our work was a detailed point cloud, a digital terrain model based on terrain classification, cross-sections of the riverbed and a triangulated irregular 3D network. All outputs were submitted to hydrodynamics specialists for further simulation.

Audit of emissions

"Audit of emissions using digital mapping bases"

The European Court of Auditors’ audit (European Court of Auditors: EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions – reported well but better needed) focused on the efforts of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) to ensure the quality of the EU’s greenhouse gas inventory and information on future emission reductions. The audit found that EU emissions data is being reported adequately, but the Commission needs better information on greenhouse gas emissions reductions. In order to control the discharge of international obligations as to greenhouse gas emissions, the EU and its member states are obliged to annually report their final greenhouse gas emissions to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the form of the so-called greenhouse gas inventories. One of the possibilities to meet the requirements of the audit is the introduction of monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions using remote imaging methods and their presentation in the form of 2D or 3D mapping bases.


"Czechoslovak history"

Slovak scientists and technicians also participated in the development of laser scanners. Already in the seventies of the last century, the scientific teams of VÚST (A.S. Popov Research Institute of Communication Technology – founded in 1950 in Prague and named TESLA A.S. Popov Research Institute of Communication Technology since 1980) and VÚVET (Vacuum Electronics Research Institute – founded in 1952 upon merger of the development laboratories of TESLA company and the Military Technical Institute, with the scope of its activity including research in the field of vacuum technology, quantum amplifiers – lasers, optoelectronics and linear accelerators) under the professional management of the SHMÚ (namely, the development meteorological radar centre in Malý Javorník near Bratislava) developed and implemented two prototypes of a laser scanner – LIDAR in two versions: stationary (for airports) and mobile for field operation. Czechoslovak LIDARs with a peak power of 20-50 MW were equipped with a ruby ​​laser with a wavelength of the transmitted beam λ = 694.3 nm with a frequency of 20 pulses per minute. The device included a digital reading of the distance with an accuracy of 5 m. Numerous experimental measurements in Malý Javorník, in the vicinity of the power plant in Nováky with a 300 m chimney (at the time, the third tallest building in Slovakia, which served as a calibration target), in the vicinity of the power plant in Tisová in the Sokolovská panva etc. showed that LIDAR is suitable for measuring the lower boundary of clouds and for researching its spatio-temporal dynamics, for determining the geometric and optical thickness of clouds, for measuring the upper boundaries of clouds, for researching the measurement of precipitation intensity (based on the determination of their volumetric dispersion coefficient), for spatial, dynamic and temporal characteristics of smoke plumes – especially at night. The official commissioning of the first stationary LIDAR took place in Czechoslovakia on 29 March 1973, as part of the first historic visit of the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization D. A. Davies (he held the mentioned post from 1956 to 1979) in Bratislava and Malý Javorník.

Digital atlas of the potential of renewable energy sources

"Digital atlas of the potential of renewable energy sources"

The current crisis associated with the shortage of oil and natural gas fully revealed the necessity of diversifying energy sources and opened up space for discussions on the search for new ways and solutions in the field of energy supply. At the same time, a problem arose with the lack of data on the consumption of individual types of energy as well as on their potential in a specific location. With respect to the effort to eliminate dependence on external energy sources, the European Commission is also preparing several plans aimed at increasing the share of renewable sources in total energy production in the EU to 45% by 2030. Among other things, such target should be achieved by doubling the capacity of solar power plants in the next three years, increasing the share of hydropower without negative impacts on the environment, intensifying the use of geothermal energy in local and central heat sources, and more. Closely related to this is the preparation of necessary technical documents and the need for freely available and professionally verified data. The mentioned problems can be solved, among others, by the project the output of which is the effective use of five seemingly “ordinary” commodities and the visualization of their energy potential in Slovakia. These are waste, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy and water energy. Within preparatory project work, we proposed a way to map and visualize the energy potential of solar energy in the urban landscape in the form of an “atlas” of areas suitable for the installation of photovoltaic systems (roofs, facades, shading elements, anti-noise walls…). Similarly, content for all listed renewable and alternative energy sources will be added to the atlas.

Dimatz Airship

"Dimatz Airship"

The company DiMATZ, in cooperation with a European manufacturer, is developing the first Slovak autonomous unmanned flying object with an ellipsoidal (cigar) shape with reduced aerodynamic resistance. The object is designed for hours of autonomous flight and exhibits characteristics that are incomparable to any other UAV. The maximum possible load rate for the camera and lens for long-term monitoring and land surveying is 2.8 kg load capacity. The “airship” is equipped with integrated photovoltaic cells, has a front engine and a rear reverse engine, stabilizers and wings, and the goal of the entire technical design is maximum energy efficiency. Energy for movement is supplied by batteries, in which it is accumulated using solar modules, so that the object can fly autonomously for several hours. The flying object is particularly suitable for aerial monitoring, for analysing using an infrared camera, e.g. when evaluating the quality of building insulation, for quick deployment in the event of natural disasters, catastrophes, fire monitoring etc. It is also suitable for collecting data from transport infrastructure, for diagnosing and monitoring air quality and atmospheric conditions, for checking the safety of critical infrastructure and for observing animals and wildlife.

Low carbon strategy

" (LCS) - Michalovce"

We actively participated in the development of the low-carbon strategy (LCS) of the town of Michalovce, the final version of which we handed over and presented at the Municipal Office on 8 September 2022. LCS of the town of Michalovce supports the vision of being an integrated smart green city. The low-carbon strategy uses digital map data with the appropriate level of detail and positional accuracy as a fundamental basis, while the corresponding CO2 emission (production) coefficients are assigned to individual entities (objects) on the surface of the urban zone. All data were converted into a geographic information system – from bus traffic trajectories through the objects of the industrial section to the individual classification of urban greenery (a total of 28,464 trees). Based on the numerical model, the annual production level of one inhabitant of Michalovce was determined at approx. 6.3 t of CO2. The town of Michalovce has an ideal geographical predisposition to benefit from renewable energy sources. This, in combination with the proposal of measures from the action plan, gives Michalovce realistic prospects for reducing the carbon footprint by 55% by 2030.

Digitisation of Petržalka City

"Digitisation of Petržalka City"

Účelom digitalizácie vybraného územia mestskej časti Petržalka bolo v digitálnej forme zaznamenať skutkový stav pred začiatkom výstavby. Išlo o vytvorenie digitálnej dvojičky, súčasťou ktorej je všetka mestská zeleň, zatrávnené časti, spevnené plochy, cestná infraštruktúra, urbanizmus a všetky architektonické objekty. Takto zachytený skutkový stav bude vo forme 3D obrazu základným prvkom pri tvorbe ďalšej projektovej dokumentácie, resp. vlastnej realizácie. Investor túto požiadavku veľmi citlivo vnímal a z tohto dôvodu pristúpil na efektívnu inovatívnu a rýchlu tvorbu za pomoci digitálnych inovatívnych technológií. Projekt v niekoľkých číslach: súradnicový systém S-JTSK03 EPSG:8353, technológia merania LIDAR + GNSS (SKPOS) + PPK, presnosť 3-4 cm, celkový počet bodov pointcloud 42 833 332, zameraná plocha 343 088 m2, najnižší bod 131 m n. m., najvyšší bod 167 m n. m., maximálna hustota mračna 3844 bodov/m2, priemerná hustota mračna 135 bodov/m2.

Passportization of municipalities in the lenght of 69km

"Ráztočno, Jalovec, Chrenovec-Brusno, Lipník and Veľká Čausa, Prievidza - Lipník"

Performance of passportization of real estate, roads, territory surfaces, boundary stones, drainage objects and private objects (family houses, fences and their plots) located in the immediate vicinity of the construction site of the agglomeration of the municipalities: Ráztočno, Jalovec, Chrenovec-Brusno, Lipník and Veľká Čausa, Prievidza – Lipník in total trajectory of 69 km. Digitization of the entire extent of the agglomeration of municipalities consisted in capturing the condition before the construction of the sewage network began and the subsequent conversion and processing of the data into an offline browser accessible to every user. The solution also includes an application enabling downloads, modifications and measurements of individual views, or search of coordinates using GPS.

Satellite SAR images

"Satellite SAR Images- Bratislava"

The company DiMATZ is the first company in Slovakia to commercially use a satellite for the purpose of creating and processing SAR images in high resolution relating to the territory of the capital of Bratislava. While using extraction and analysis, we detect changes in the territory of the capital (area of environment and infrastructure). The use of commercial satellites with high resolution and high positional accuracy of the SAR image in combination with a regular flight trajectory and an update not older than a few hours is a suitable tool for the creation and implementation of control mechanisms in agriculture, forestry etc., because it is a regularly updated robust system that enables the user (with the possibility of using their own artificial intelligence methods) to identify changes on the earth’s surface. The tool can fundamentally influence the quality of regular monitoring and data visualization, thanks to which it provides a huge number of practical applications.

Monitoring of building and bridges

"monitoring of concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere"

For a range of physical parameters, it proves useful to have a long-term, continuous series of point-based on-line data available. In practice, this means having a network of solar-powered sensors with online transmission of information (the transmission is carried out wirelessly – via GPS networks). Our company offers several types of such autonomous sensors, with one of areas of their application being remote online monitoring of displacements and deformations of buildings and bridge structures. Another area of ​​application of our sensors is the long-term monitoring of concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere (primarily PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, VOC, NOx). In both mentioned cases, after the installation of the corresponding sensors, continuous supervision of the observed data is ensured and it is possible to issue safety (emergency) reports when the specified limit values ​​are exceeded. For the needs of practical energy use of solar energy, it turns out to be useful to have available “solar” maps of the territory. Network of sensors offered by our company is also one of the bases for building a system for monitoring the input of incident solar radiation, with the data from such sensors being transmitted online to the centre in real time. In addition, the combination of data from specialized sensors and data obtained through digital imaging methods represent a qualitatively higher level of bases intended for a range of practical applications, e.g. in energy sector. They provide a wide scope for the application of a whole range of verification and approximation procedures, confirm the reality and authenticity of 2D and 3D outputs and are a suitable tool for the preparation and implementation of prognostic models and methods.

Expo Dubai


Our company was also pleased to take part in Slovakia’s representation at the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai. We thus got the opportunity to participate in the presentation of our Republic’s innovativeness and maturity in front of the eyes of the whole world, which is also confirmed by the certificate signed by the general commissioner of the exposition of the Slovak Republic, Miroslava Valovičová. The focus of our activities at EXPO 2020 was the presentation of the company’s activities in digital imaging methods and their practical applications, especially as part of the Golden Jubilee thematic week.

The Manor House in Bernolákovo

“Digitalization and BIM object installation in Bernolákovo”

Kaštieľ z 18. storočia situovaný v Bernolákove sa stal miestom kde sa natáča po vzore Britskej verzie “The Great British Bake Off” slovenskou verziou “Pečie celé Slovensko”.
Z dôvodu časovo – realizačného plánu bolo úlohou vytvoriť digitálny terénny model územia pre novo navrhovanú architektonickú konštrukciu skeletu na mieste budúcej natáčaciej kulisy pre túto show.

Vďaka kombinácii TLS (terestrického laser skenovanie) a fotogrametrie sme získali virtuálny model terénu s vysokou presnosťou v rámci ktorého sme nami pripravení BIM objekt tohto skeletu správme situovali na pozemku.

Za použitia inteligentného 3D BIM modelu bolo možné ponúknuť komplexnú službu nielen vzhľadom na správne polohovanie na danom území, rovnako tak súčasťou výstupov bol situácia, výkresová dokumentácia a výkaz a výmer materiálov.Kombináciou týchto metód vieme rýchlo a efektívne napomôcť k úspešnej realizácii projektov takéhoto rozsahu.

Generic 3D models of towns and villages

“3D model of the village of Čičmany”

As Slovakia is not yet completely modelled in three-dimensional space, in order to improve the quality of our services, we create and maintain a database of 3D generic models of towns and villages in Slovakia. We use the 3D maps modelled in this way to fit future visualisations and for presentation purposes.

Senianske rybníky (The Senian Ponds)

“Senianske rybníky – digitization of the territory”

The National Nature Reserve (NNR) Senianske rybníky is situated in the eastern Slovak lowlands in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Iňačovce, on the border of the District of Sobrance and the District of Michalovce.

Due to a large number of breeding and migratory bird species, the area is one of the most important ornithological sites in the whole of Central Europe. NNR Senianske rybníky is part of a system of ponds that have been built gradually since 1974. In order to restore the water retention capacity of the landscape, part of the ponds was subsequently declared a state nature reserve with a large number of breeding and migratory bird species. It is a very suitable site for wetland plant and animal species.

LiDAR measurements of the entire area in order to create a digital twin of the entire area as a relevant basis for the production of a survey of the actual situation, which is a necessary basis for the further work of the designers. With regard to the specific assignment, because of the project of digitization of densely vegetated banks and slopes, the assignment defined a total length of 3890 running metres and a width of 15 m with adequate overlap due to the identification of the slopes and material composition of the banks, which consists of concrete panels and grass surfaces, which also include bank embankments.

The basis serves for further projection of the canal revitalization, restoration, and completion of infrastructure and other activities that will contribute to the development of sustainable ecotourism and the overall promotion of tourism in the Lower Zemplín region.

Locomotive Depot in Prievidza

“Digitization of the original and design of the new locomotive depot”

In 2005 the depot was declared a national cultural monument. The building is located on Bojnická road No. 2, it was built in 1912 to 1913 and extended in 1938. It has the characteristic features of the architecture of railway buildings from the period of the beginnings of railway transport.
The one-storey building of the railway station and its right-wing are original from 1896.In 1913 in connection with the construction of the line to Handlová the whole station was rebuilt from 3 to 5 tracks, a new heating plant and a waterworks were built, the station building was extended by a wing with a ticket shop and a waiting room. The station damaged by war in 1945 was rebuilt, with the addition of today’s waiting room and other facilities, a shelter, and a porch.
Using TLS (terrestrial laser scanning), we obtained a virtual terrain model with high accuracy, from which we base the documentation. The high-density point cloud captured in this way allows us to rotate, zoom in or extract sections and floor plans of the final object, which are subsequently redrawn into the vector CAD form.

Brno on the threshold of digitization!

“Brno City Avenue”

Brno is a vibrant and rapidly developing urban structure. The multitude of conceptual solutions that the Moravian metropolis offers in combination with strategic planning, the demand from building contractors, architectural and design offices, require digital data for the implementation of projects such as the “Brno City Avenue”. The 3D dataset is an absolutely essential part of strategic planning and fact generation, thanks to which individual solutions can be confronted and refined for further successful project management.
The company DiMATZ, s.r.o. within the implementation of the project “Brno City Avenue detailed diagnostics and findings before the implementation of the new road Zvonařka / Cejl.” digitized the entire area of the future strategic development leading through the commercial streets, across the construction site, and the strategic infrastructure in the form of Brnenské Teplárne. The processed digital data serve as a relevant base map for the initiation of the second phase of geophysical measurements.
By choosing the right methodology – a combination of MLS backpack (due to hard-to-reach places) with aerial support, it was possible to prepare a digital model of the entire routing serving as a passport of the actual situation. Measurement in figures: 11.26 running km, 3.4 million points, 22 GB of data.



From 22 February 2022, the extensive activities of DiMATZ, s.r.o. will be available on a redesigned website interface at the original address www.dimatz.com. Not only architectural and construction applications, but also case studies of real estate property registration, geodetic and geospatial data information, digitization of cultural heritage and shared remote sensing and land cover data will be accessible.

The new categories will help you to navigate more quickly in the search of the services we offer for areas such as digitization for spatial planning, 3D digital twin of real estate and territories, surveying, digital simulation, and other geospatial services.

Digital service menu items have also been expanded. In addition to 3D digitization and BIM methodology, simulation tools will also be represented, thanks to which it is possible to predict the impacts of climate change on urban and suburban urban zones. Implemented works that serve as a relevant basis for crisis management and adaptation and migration in the form of light engineering studies, hydrodynamic simulation, simulation for the calculation of wind flow, simulation of the energy capacity of flat roofs, calculation of CO2 in cities based on the digital twin city.

In the New Year 2022, our entire team wishes you 12 months of success, 52 weeks of smiles, 365 days of health, 8,760 hours of joy, 525,600 minutes of happiness, and 31,536,000 seconds of love.

House of Culture – Reconstruction

“Digitization of the House of Culture in Milotice”

The reconstruction of the house of culture in the village of Milotice, which is known for its wine tradition, did not come without a digital model of the entire building due to the documentation of the actual state with a high level of measurement detail. The whole building is relatively rugged and within the scope of the assignment, an exterior extension of the pergola is also considered. For this reason, the 3D digitization also included the measurement of the wider surroundings, which includes the car park.
The digital 3D model of the whole building was used as a basis for the creation of the implementation project of the reconstruction of the house of culture. The biggest benefit for the designers was the 3D model, which included 360-degree photos, the high accuracy and detail of the measurements from the smallest components such as the socket, furnishings to the entire architectural structure, and especially the possibility to return to the virtual model at any time and verify some of the dimensions, or to measure.

The Spiš Art Nouveau

“Digitization of Art Nouveau buildings”

In 2021, we realized several digitalizations of historical objects, such as the beautiful Art Nouveau building situated on the square in Spišská Nová Ves, which was built on the rapidly changing square.
The importance of this building is also helped by the proximity of the classical town hall and also the tallest neo-Gothic tower from the end of the 19th century (1893) in Slovakia with a height of 87m, which is on the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the help of the LiDAR solution, drawing documentation in vector format was prepared for the Monuments Office. Due to the complex reconstruction of the façade and the courtyard, the digital passport is a necessary component before the start of further reconstruction works.
Save your time and money on laborious measuring and redrawing of the documentation of rugged historical objects using the classical method and use a faster, more accurate, and more efficient way of digitization.

3D industry

“Digitization of an exchange station”

Post-digitalization orientation of the heat exchanger station in the area of food production due to digitization for creating the documentation of the actual design.
The used laser technology, which we use to create the documentation from the imaged high-density point cloud, allows us to rotate the passported object, zoom in or extract sections and floor plans, which are subsequently redrawn into the vector CAD form.
The added value of the 3D model is the zones where the level of accessibility or visibility of individual components is reduced, due to the very densely built objects with cables, pipes, and other elements that are part of the technology. Efficiency in terms of saving OPEX and CAPEX costs is also one of the benefits.

Kunsthalle Košice

“Digitalization of a former swimming pool transformed into a modern art hall – Kunsthalle"

The original swimming pool building from 1962 on Rumanova Street in Košice, designed by the Košice architect Ladislav Greč, was reconstructed with funds from the European Commission. After the construction of a new four-lane road in the place of the original riverbed, the building could no longer fulfil its original purpose due to technical reasons. The reconstruction, worth almost 7.5 million euro, was completed in July 2013. The Kunsthalle/Hall of Art building in its new form already serves as an exhibition centre. The Kunsthalle now has several exhibition halls, a screening room with a grandstand, a bar, and on the upper floor there are rooms suitable for smaller congresses.

3D human body scanner

“Digitization of human beings and objects”

The 3D human body scanner is intended for scanning or 3D digitization of human beings or smaller objects such as statues, vases, and other articles.
The photogrammetric technology we use to create 3D scanned models of human beings creates a 3D model with a polygon count of 3.5 million. The 3D scanner has an integrated structured light that allows it to scan complex shapes and surfaces such as black or plain clothing. Its 1/15-second instantaneous shooting ensures that photos are very sharp and of high quality for processing.
This scanned human model can be used for 3D printing or even for 3D visualizations or animations, not least as a personalized 3D model for physiotherapists.

Technical University of Košice

“Digitization of the former campus of the Technical University in Košice”

Universitas Cassoviensis was founded in Košice as early as 1657, technical education was not elevated to the level of higher education until 1762 when the Austro-Hungarian EmpressMaria Theresa founded the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica. It provided education and carried out research activities in the whole complex of scientific disciplines, from ore mining to the production, and processing of metallic materials.Technical University of Košice was founded in 1952.
The subject of our work was the imaging of objects of the Technical University in Košice (TUKE). Using LIDAR, we acquired a point cloud of the entire campus. The output was used to prepare the basis for the design of green roofs in that area.
The produced point cloud can be further used for various functions, such as measuring distances with an accuracy of 3 to 4cm, calculating areas and volumes, classifying individual objects according to type (buildings, vegetation, roads…).

Žiar nad Hronom

“Digitization of the central zone of Žiar nad Hronom”

The town of Žiar nad Hronom is located in the Banská Bystrica region, in the Central Pohronie Region, in the Žiar Basin. It spreads mainly on the right side of the Hron River. The cadastral area of the Town is 40 sq. km. The Žiar Basin is bordered on the west by the Vtáčnik Mountains, the north and east by the Kremnické Mountains, and the south by the Štiavnické Mountains. In this area, a crossroad of important communication links was naturally created. Roads from the town radiate out in the directions of Prievidza, Nitra, Zvolen, and Kremnica. The Bratislava-Zvolen railway line passes through the town. Distance from Banská Bystrica is 30 km as the crow flies and from Bratislava 150 km.
Scanning of the central zone of Žiar nad Hronom was carried out with a terrestrial scanner mounted on a vehicle. The result of this scanning is a point cloud, photogrammetry, orthophotomaps. The output was used as a digital twin.

Eset Campus

“Digitization of the abandoned military hospital premises on Patrónka”

Eset continues preparations for the construction of the Eset Campus – a global science and research centre on the site of the former St. Michael’s Military Hospital in Bratislava. A project for the demolition of the former medical facility has already been submitted for environmental impact assessment. The reason for this is the unsatisfactory structural and technical condition of abandoned buildings and utility networks. The former hospital was in operation until 2015.
Based on this fact, we were approached to develop the digitization of the site. In those premises, we have digitized the entire area. The result is a 3D point cloud, photogrammetry, and orthophotomaps. From the outputs, we further determined the total volume of buildings as a basis for demolition, the total area of vegetation, planimetry, and topography.

Production Hall

“Digitalization of the production hall and metal processing line”

The transformation of the production line of the metalworking plant in the industrial production area is based on the need to change the production programme. Due to the need to measure in high detail and in such a way that there is no lockout or limitation of the production process, it was important to integrate a LiDAR solution.
The digitization included individual engineering lines down up to the smallest production components, their subsequent vectorization into CAD and export to 3D objects for Revit, Allplan, ArchiCAD, Siemens MX, Catia, Solidwork, Autodesk civil, suitable for modelling using 3D tools.
Identifying the real facts for informed decisions and solutions with the huge added value, such as faster project preparation due to high detailed accuracy, means time savings for your projects.


Digitization of industrial components

“Digitalization of industrial components in production”

Inspection in high detail using laser scanning and subsequent conversion into a 3D model helps us to plan and execute the replacement of individual industrial components more efficiently. Comprehensive inspection, revision, and replacement of the equipment, of which the pump is an integral part, was carried out with the help of a digital twin of the entire object, on the basis of which we obtained an absolutely accurate picture of the type and nature of this component.
Subsequently, after a professional check of the 3D data by a technician, the “Project documentation for the modernisation and replacement of the pump” was drawn up.
A properly set up workflow in the form of a digital twin will save you the financial costs of any equipment failure repairs, or the costs associated with repairing or replacing them. At the same time, the digital model is the carrier of all the information that is important to you, which you can access at any time, it also takes into account occupational health and safety (OHS).

Reverse engineering

“Scanning for reverse engineering”

After the disappearance of the original manufacturer of a given rotor component for a turbine, it was necessary to scan such a component for its reverse engineering and subsequent commissioning for production to a new manufacturer.

A hand-held scanner with a resolution of up to 0.02mm was used. The component with a large internal diameter of 2000mm was scanned into a point cloud with a resulting count of 100 million points. The point cloud was used as a reference for the reverse engineering performed using the engineering CAM software.

The Dunakility area

“Scanning of the Danube riverbed”

Using scanning at the Dunakility site, we explored the bed of our largest river. The result is 98 million dots at a resolution of 1mm/1pix. The result of the work of several people over 12 days is a complete model, which is further used to create a dendrological map and an orthophoto map. We consider the most significant achievement to be the successful separation of the morphological bed from the surrounding area. The bed morphology model allows us to create a unique simulation of water flow, which can be used to further identify bottlenecks, channel blockages, and the creation of new troughs.

In the dendrological map, we identified the types and heights of threes and the diameters of their crowns. This identification allows us to protect our natural wealth in this interesting location, or to find woody encroachments that need to be removed at intervals.


Jumeirah Palm Island

“Scanning for of asset management”

Using satellite data, we were able to create a 3D model of Dubai’s famous island. The created orthophotomap was used as a basis for the digital land cover map and as a reference for our future geophysical measurements.
The digital twin carries a large amount of information and is, therefore, a 1:1 virtual replica of the real island. All houses, trees, networks, infrastructure, etc. are thus captured in our model in their real condition.


“3D model of the island of Aruba”

Aruba is an island and a constituent country of theKingdom of the Netherlands in the Lesser Antilles, approximately 29 km off the coast of Venezuela. The area of the island is 180 sq. km and the length of the coastline is 88.5 km. The island is 32 km long and 10 km wide at its widest point.

Using freely available, satellite, geographic data, and contours supplied by an external company, we created a three-dimensional generic model of the area in question. This model can serve as a base layer for fitting new BIM development buildings that are planned to be built in the area. The model generated in this way is further used for various analyses such as land cover map, run-off map, slope map, elevation distribution, etc.

EXPO Dubai 2020

“We represent Slovakia at the exhibition”

The company DiMATZ, s.r.o. was also presented at the World EXPO 2020 Dubai in the Slovak pavilion as part of the Golden Jubilee thematic week. The Slovak National Pavilion consists of three floors, each with an area of approximately 700 sq. m. The space for our showreel is located on the ground floor, in a rotating exhibition, where we as a company presented, through 4K animation, our unique solutions in the field of climate change and digitalization, which are today the most discussed topics of the 21st century on a global level.

Climate change affects the lives of all people, the quality of the environment in which we live, the health of the whole population, the development of cities and urban areas, the development and direction of the industry and its new technologies, and last but not least, they shape humanity to which they are giving direction. Due to climate change, we can already experience extreme weather fluctuations in the continental Central European region, where Slovakia is located.

Digital technologies and their potential can make a huge contribution to sustainable development and re-addressing global challenges. According to the OECD, in an era of digitization, climate change, and ageing, it is important to see cities as engines for economic growth.

The solution we presented at the world exhibition is based on the digitalization of cities and municipalities, the creation of a so-called digital twin, and the subsequent environmental simulation for predicting the impact of climate change. We have been dealing with this topic for a long time and the successful integration in cities in the territory of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic, and thus our solution convinced the Ministry of Economy and we were happy to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Water Reservoir in Kráľová

“Measuring the bottom and making a digital model”

The territory of the Kráľová waterworks is located in the southern part of western Slovakia between the towns of Sereď, Galanta and Šaľa, surrounded by the municipalities of Dolná Streda, Váhovce, Kajal, Kráľová nad Váhom, Dlhá nad Váhom, Šoporňa and Šintava. The territory of the reservoir with peripheral and protective dams and with intake facilities extends over the territory of the Trnava Region. The area where the dam, hydroelectric power station, and lock are built belongs to the Nitra region. The Kráľová Waterworks is a multi-purpose waterworks, completed in 1985, which uses the section of the Váh River between Sereď and Šaľa between the river kilometres 44.2 to 78.6.

Main parameters of the water reservoir:

  •  The minimum operating level: 122.00 metres above sea level.
  •  The maximum operating level: 124.00 metres above sea level.
  • The total volume to date: 65.5 million cubic meters.

Based on the request of SVP š.p., it was necessary to carry out a multichannel sonar survey complying with IHO S44 with the drawing of a digital terrain model of the bottom of the reservoir, to measure the elevation of the bottom of the reservoir with a measurement density of 0.5m x 0.5m, to make a map of the digital model of the bottom of the reservoir, to make a contour map with isobaths and measure the course of the banks and the embankment with a mobile laser scanner.

The result of the measurement work is an accurate, partial, digital model of the bottom of the Water Reservoir Kráľová.

Digitization of forest management areas

“Digitization and passporting of forest management areas in the territory of the Slovak Republic”

The purpose of the digitization of the economic forest was to map the entire area in high detail and with absolute precision for passporting to assess the actual state and condition of the forest.

The area mapping is intended to serve as a relevant basis for the identification of problem areas in terms of stand planting, forest management and in order to increase the efficiency of harvesting and planning. It also serves for a general overview of biomass production and, last but not least, for further administration and management. The digital model identifies areas of the higher added value of efficient harvesting, highlights and quantifies the information and volume of economic efficiency in forests.

The optimally chosen LiDAR solution is the only possible tool for the digitization of large geographic areas densely overgrown with greenery, as a tool for the automatic selection of duplicate objects/filtering of greenery and trees, on pure vegetated terrain.

Properly chosen methodology assists forestry in the identification of damage, planning, and efficiency. For agriculture and irrigation, it is used for water retention solutions due to the accurate identification of surface water.

One of the environmental objectives for surface water is to implement the measures resulting from the digitization. Water needs to be protected and managed for its efficient and effective use.

Old Town Hall in Košice

“Digitization and passporting of the Great Hall of the Old Town Hall”

Even historically significant buildings cannot avoid some modernisation. In times of pandemics, for example, the importance and relevance of modern air-conditioning systems in the halls of public and cultural buildings has become apparent.

For this purpose, we were invited to digitalize and passport the building of the Historical Town Hall in Košice, and in particular the Great Hall of this beautiful building.

After completing 39 sites and 114 links, the result of our work is a cloud with 11 million points with a precision of 5mm. Such a dense and high-quality cloud was used as the basis for the BIM of the building, which will be further utilized by the experts on state-of-the-art air conditioning technology.

Increasing the competitiveness of DIMATZ, s.r.o.

“Building a 3D laser centre”

The aim of the project is to innovate the process of modern optical methods of measurement, transmission and processing of digital data into the creation of 3D models for a wide range of clients in the field of industry and services. The upgraded process will meet the most modern technical and economic standards and is free of any negative impact on the environment and will contribute to the overall level and development of business at DIMATZ s.r.o. The objective will be realised through the acquisition of a technology which, with its innovative potential, will ensure an overall increase in the quality of services, in all output qualitative and quantitative parameters, and will bring them up to the world level.

Science and Technology Week at the Technical University of Košice (TUKE)

“Presentation of our solutions during Science and Technology Week”

Build your successful future. During the Week of Science and Technology at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which took place on 6th and 7th November 2019, we had a presentation on the topic Digitalization of Territories Using Innovative Technologies. Students of the Technical University in Košice were introduced to the latest technologies in the field of digitalization of surfaces and shown innovations that they may encounter in their future employment.

DIMATZ part of the world exhibition MAPIC

“Presentation of our solutions at the conference”

In November 2019, we attended MAPIC, a conference of the world’s most influential developers and real estate professionals in the retail real estate sector, in Cannes. We engaged in debates n a range of topics such as digitalization, retail, logistics, innovation and sustainability, customer needs, new services, cities, and urban development.


“Presentation of our solutions at an international forum”

In September 2019, we participated in the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum, which was held with the official support of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, public administration bodies, executive government bodies of all regions of the Republic of Belarus, and the city of Minsk. Our participation was mainly in the programme of the Belarusian-Slovak Industrial and Innovation Forum, but we also took part in panel discussions on several other topics, such as “Investing in the Future” and “Digitalization” with a presentation of investment opportunities of the Republic of Belarus.

MIPIM 2018

“Mapping the world and digitizing urban zones”

From 13th to 16th March 2018, Cannes hosted the World Property Fair, which brought together the most important international players operating in various real estate sectors. During 4 days of networking focused on the main theme “Mapping the World of Urbanization”, participants discussed how the future of urban life and its changes will affect strategies as the real estate sector.

Monaco Yacht show 2016

"Monaco Yacht show"

We visited the Monaco Yacht Show 2016, where more than 500 exhibiting companies – leading international companies in the yachting industry – are exhibiting on an area of 15 000 m2.

125 SUPERYACHTS Discover a collection of the most anticipated superyachts of the year.

40 TENDERS & TOYS Exhibited on two exhibition areas of the Monte Carlo Tender Show and Water Toys Show.

580 EXHIBITORS and partners at stands from 38 countries.


Senianske rybníky (The Senian Ponds)

“Senianske rybníky – digitization of the territory”

The National Nature Reserve (NNR) Senianske rybníky is situated in the eastern Slovak lowlands in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Iňačovce, on the border of the District of Sobrance and the District of Michalovce.

Due to a large number of breeding and migratory bird species, the area is one of the most important ornithological sites in the whole of Central Europe. NNR Senianske rybníky is part of a system of ponds that have been built gradually since 1974. In order to restore the water retention capacity of the landscape, part of the ponds was subsequently declared a state nature reserve with a large number of breeding and migratory bird species. It is a very suitable site for wetland plant and animal species.

LiDAR measurements of the entire area in order to create a digital twin of the entire area as a relevant basis for the production of a survey of the actual situation, which is a necessary basis for the further work of the designers. With regard to the specific assignment, because of the project of digitization of densely vegetated banks and slopes, the assignment defined a total length of 3890 running metres and a width of 15 m with adequate overlap due to the identification of the slopes and material composition of the banks, which consists of concrete panels and grass surfaces, which also include bank embankments.

The basis serves for further projection of the canal revitalization, restoration, and completion of infrastructure and other activities that will contribute to the development of sustainable ecotourism and the overall promotion of tourism in the Lower Zemplín region.


Water Reservoir in Kráľová

“Measuring the bottom and making a digital model”

The territory of the Kráľová waterworks is located in the southern part of western Slovakia between the towns of Sereď, Galanta and Šaľa, surrounded by the municipalities of Dolná Streda, Váhovce, Kajal, Kráľová nad Váhom, Dlhá nad Váhom, Šoporňa and Šintava. The territory of the reservoir with peripheral and protective dams and with intake facilities extends over the territory of the Trnava Region. The area where the dam, hydroelectric power station, and lock are built belongs to the Nitra region. The Kráľová Waterworks is a multi-purpose waterworks, completed in 1985, which uses the section of the Váh River between Sereď and Šaľa between the river kilometres 44.2 to 78.6.

Main parameters of the water reservoir:

  •  The minimum operating level: 122.00 metres above sea level.
  •  The maximum operating level: 124.00 metres above sea level.
  • The total volume to date: 65.5 million cubic meters.

Based on the request of SVP š.p., it was necessary to carry out a multichannel sonar survey complying with IHO S44 with the drawing of a digital terrain model of the bottom of the reservoir, to measure the elevation of the bottom of the reservoir with a measurement density of 0.5m x 0.5m, to make a map of the digital model of the bottom of the reservoir, to make a contour map with isobaths and measure the course of the banks and the embankment with a mobile laser scanner.

The result of the measurement work is an accurate, partial, digital model of the bottom of the Water Reservoir Kráľová.


Digitization of forest management areas

“Digitization and passporting of forest management areas in the territory of the Slovak Republic”

The purpose of the digitization of the economic forest was to map the entire area in high detail and with absolute precision for passporting to assess the actual state and condition of the forest.

The area mapping is intended to serve as a relevant basis for the identification of problem areas in terms of stand planting, forest management and in order to increase the efficiency of harvesting and planning. It also serves for a general overview of biomass production and, last but not least, for further administration and management. The digital model identifies areas of the higher added value of efficient harvesting, highlights and quantifies the information and volume of economic efficiency in forests.

The optimally chosen LiDAR solution is the only possible tool for the digitization of large geographic areas densely overgrown with greenery, as a tool for the automatic selection of duplicate objects/filtering of greenery and trees, on pure vegetated terrain.

Properly chosen methodology assists forestry in the identification of damage, planning, and efficiency. For agriculture and irrigation, it is used for water retention solutions due to the accurate identification of surface water.

One of the environmental objectives for surface water is to implement the measures resulting from the digitization. Water needs to be protected and managed for its efficient and effective use.


Jumeirah Palm Island

“Scanning for of asset management”

Using satellite data, we were able to create a 3D model of Dubai’s famous island. The created orthophotomap was used as a basis for the digital land cover map and as a reference for our future geophysical measurements.
The digital twin carries a large amount of information and is, therefore, a 1:1 virtual replica of the real island. All houses, trees, networks, infrastructure, etc. are thus captured in our model in their real condition.


Locomotive Depot in Prievidza

“Digitization of the original and design of the new locomotive depot”

In 2005 the depot was declared a national cultural monument. The building is located on Bojnická road No. 2, it was built in 1912 to 1913 and extended in 1938. It has the characteristic features of the architecture of railway buildings from the period of the beginnings of railway transport.
The one-storey building of the railway station and its right-wing are original from 1896.In 1913 in connection with the construction of the line to Handlová the whole station was rebuilt from 3 to 5 tracks, a new heating plant and a waterworks were built, the station building was extended by a wing with a ticket shop and a waiting room. The station damaged by war in 1945 was rebuilt, with the addition of today’s waiting room and other facilities, a shelter, and a porch.
Using TLS (terrestrial laser scanning), we obtained a virtual terrain model with high accuracy, from which we base the documentation. The high-density point cloud captured in this way allows us to rotate, zoom in or extract sections and floor plans of the final object, which are subsequently redrawn into the vector CAD form.

House of Culture – Reconstruction

“Digitization of the House of Culture in Milotice”

The reconstruction of the house of culture in the village of Milotice, which is known for its wine tradition, did not come without a digital model of the entire building due to the documentation of the actual state with a high level of measurement detail. The whole building is relatively rugged and within the scope of the assignment, an exterior extension of the pergola is also considered. For this reason, the 3D digitization also included the measurement of the wider surroundings, which includes the car park.
The digital 3D model of the whole building was used as a basis for the creation of the implementation project of the reconstruction of the house of culture. The biggest benefit for the designers was the 3D model, which included 360-degree photos, the high accuracy and detail of the measurements from the smallest components such as the socket, furnishings to the entire architectural structure, and especially the possibility to return to the virtual model at any time and verify some of the dimensions, or to measure.



“3D model of the island of Aruba”

Aruba is an island and a constituent country of theKingdom of the Netherlands in the Lesser Antilles, approximately 29 km off the coast of Venezuela. The area of the island is 180 sq. km and the length of the coastline is 88.5 km. The island is 32 km long and 10 km wide at its widest point.

Using freely available, satellite, geographic data, and contours supplied by an external company, we created a three-dimensional generic model of the area in question. This model can serve as a base layer for fitting new BIM development buildings that are planned to be built in the area. The model generated in this way is further used for various analyses such as land cover map, run-off map, slope map, elevation distribution, etc.


Generic 3D models of towns and villages

“3D model of the village of Čičmany”

As Slovakia is not yet completely modelled in three-dimensional space, in order to improve the quality of our services, we create and maintain a database of 3D generic models of towns and villages in Slovakia. We use the 3D maps modelled in this way to fit future visualisations and for presentation purposes.




From 22 February 2022, the extensive activities of DiMATZ, s.r.o. will be available on a redesigned website interface at the original address www.dimatz.com. Not only architectural and construction applications, but also case studies of real estate property registration, geodetic and geospatial data information, digitization of cultural heritage and shared remote sensing and land cover data will be accessible.

The new categories will help you to navigate more quickly in the search of the services we offer for areas such as digitization for spatial planning, 3D digital twin of real estate and territories, surveying, digital simulation, and other geospatial services.

Digital service menu items have also been expanded. In addition to 3D digitization and BIM methodology, simulation tools will also be represented, thanks to which it is possible to predict the impacts of climate change on urban and suburban urban zones. Implemented works that serve as a relevant basis for crisis management and adaptation and migration in the form of light engineering studies, hydrodynamic simulation, simulation for the calculation of wind flow, simulation of the energy capacity of flat roofs, calculation of CO2 in cities based on the digital twin city.

In the New Year 2022, our entire team wishes you 12 months of success, 52 weeks of smiles, 365 days of health, 8,760 hours of joy, 525,600 minutes of happiness, and 31,536,000 seconds of love.


3D human body scanner

“Digitization of human beings and objects”

The 3D human body scanner is intended for scanning or 3D digitization of human beings or smaller objects such as statues, vases, and other articles.
The photogrammetric technology we use to create 3D scanned models of human beings creates a 3D model with a polygon count of 3.5 million. The 3D scanner has an integrated structured light that allows it to scan complex shapes and surfaces such as black or plain clothing. Its 1/15-second instantaneous shooting ensures that photos are very sharp and of high quality for processing.
This scanned human model can be used for 3D printing or even for 3D visualizations or animations, not least as a personalized 3D model for physiotherapists.


The Dunakility area

“Scanning of the Danube riverbed”

Using scanning at the Dunakility site, we explored the bed of our largest river. The result is 98 million dots at a resolution of 1mm/1pix. The result of the work of several people over 12 days is a complete model, which is further used to create a dendrological map and an orthophoto map. We consider the most significant achievement to be the successful separation of the morphological bed from the surrounding area. The bed morphology model allows us to create a unique simulation of water flow, which can be used to further identify bottlenecks, channel blockages, and the creation of new troughs.

In the dendrological map, we identified the types and heights of threes and the diameters of their crowns. This identification allows us to protect our natural wealth in this interesting location, or to find woody encroachments that need to be removed at intervals.



EXPO Dubai 2020

“We represent Slovakia at the exhibition”

The company DiMATZ, s.r.o. was also presented at the World EXPO 2020 Dubai in the Slovak pavilion as part of the Golden Jubilee thematic week. The Slovak National Pavilion consists of three floors, each with an area of approximately 700 sq. m. The space for our showreel is located on the ground floor, in a rotating exhibition, where we as a company presented, through 4K animation, our unique solutions in the field of climate change and digitalization, which are today the most discussed topics of the 21st century on a global level.

Climate change affects the lives of all people, the quality of the environment in which we live, the health of the whole population, the development of cities and urban areas, the development and direction of the industry and its new technologies, and last but not least, they shape humanity to which they are giving direction. Due to climate change, we can already experience extreme weather fluctuations in the continental Central European region, where Slovakia is located.

Digital technologies and their potential can make a huge contribution to sustainable development and re-addressing global challenges. According to the OECD, in an era of digitization, climate change, and ageing, it is important to see cities as engines for economic growth.

The solution we presented at the world exhibition is based on the digitalization of cities and municipalities, the creation of a so-called digital twin, and the subsequent environmental simulation for predicting the impact of climate change. We have been dealing with this topic for a long time and the successful integration in cities in the territory of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic, and thus our solution convinced the Ministry of Economy and we were happy to take full advantage of this opportunity.


Increasing the competitiveness of DIMATZ, s.r.o.

“Building a 3D laser centre”

The aim of the project is to innovate the process of modern optical methods of measurement, transmission and processing of digital data into the creation of 3D models for a wide range of clients in the field of industry and services. The upgraded process will meet the most modern technical and economic standards and is free of any negative impact on the environment and will contribute to the overall level and development of business at DIMATZ s.r.o. The objective will be realised through the acquisition of a technology which, with its innovative potential, will ensure an overall increase in the quality of services, in all output qualitative and quantitative parameters, and will bring them up to the world level.


Science and Technology Week at the Technical University of Košice (TUKE)

“Presentation of our solutions during Science and Technology Week”

Build your successful future. During the Week of Science and Technology at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which took place on 6th and 7th November 2019, we had a presentation on the topic Digitalization of Territories Using Innovative Technologies. Students of the Technical University in Košice were introduced to the latest technologies in the field of digitalization of surfaces and shown innovations that they may encounter in their future employment.

DIMATZ part of the world exhibition MAPIC

“Presentation of our solutions at the conference”

In November 2019, we attended MAPIC, a conference of the world’s most influential developers and real estate professionals in the retail real estate sector, in Cannes. We engaged in debates n a range of topics such as digitalization, retail, logistics, innovation and sustainability, customer needs, new services, cities, and urban development.



“Presentation of our solutions at an international forum”

In September 2019, we participated in the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum, which was held with the official support of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, public administration bodies, executive government bodies of all regions of the Republic of Belarus, and the city of Minsk. Our participation was mainly in the programme of the Belarusian-Slovak Industrial and Innovation Forum, but we also took part in panel discussions on several other topics, such as “Investing in the Future” and “Digitalization” with a presentation of investment opportunities of the Republic of Belarus.


MIPIM 2018

“Mapping the world and digitizing urban zones”

From 13th to 16th March 2018, Cannes hosted the World Property Fair, which brought together the most important international players operating in various real estate sectors. During 4 days of networking focused on the main theme “Mapping the World of Urbanization”, participants discussed how the future of urban life and its changes will affect strategies as the real estate sector.


3D industry

“Digitization of an exchange station”

Post-digitalization orientation of the heat exchanger station in the area of food production due to digitization for creating the documentation of the actual design.
The used laser technology, which we use to create the documentation from the imaged high-density point cloud, allows us to rotate the passported object, zoom in or extract sections and floor plans, which are subsequently redrawn into the vector CAD form.
The added value of the 3D model is the zones where the level of accessibility or visibility of individual components is reduced, due to the very densely built objects with cables, pipes, and other elements that are part of the technology. Efficiency in terms of saving OPEX and CAPEX costs is also one of the benefits.


Production Hall

“Digitalization of the production hall and metal processing line”

The transformation of the production line of the metalworking plant in the industrial production area is based on the need to change the production programme. Due to the need to measure in high detail and in such a way that there is no lockout or limitation of the production process, it was important to integrate a LiDAR solution.
The digitization included individual engineering lines down up to the smallest production components, their subsequent vectorization into CAD and export to 3D objects for Revit, Allplan, ArchiCAD, Siemens MX, Catia, Solidwork, Autodesk civil, suitable for modelling using 3D tools.
Identifying the real facts for informed decisions and solutions with the huge added value, such as faster project preparation due to high detailed accuracy, means time savings for your projects.



Digitization of industrial components

“Digitalization of industrial components in production”

Inspection in high detail using laser scanning and subsequent conversion into a 3D model helps us to plan and execute the replacement of individual industrial components more efficiently. Comprehensive inspection, revision, and replacement of the equipment, of which the pump is an integral part, was carried out with the help of a digital twin of the entire object, on the basis of which we obtained an absolutely accurate picture of the type and nature of this component.
Subsequently, after a professional check of the 3D data by a technician, the “Project documentation for the modernisation and replacement of the pump” was drawn up.
A properly set up workflow in the form of a digital twin will save you the financial costs of any equipment failure repairs, or the costs associated with repairing or replacing them. At the same time, the digital model is the carrier of all the information that is important to you, which you can access at any time, it also takes into account occupational health and safety (OHS).


Reverse engineering

“Scanning for reverse engineering”

After the disappearance of the original manufacturer of a given rotor component for a turbine, it was necessary to scan such a component for its reverse engineering and subsequent commissioning for production to a new manufacturer.

A hand-held scanner with a resolution of up to 0.02mm was used. The component with a large internal diameter of 2000mm was scanned into a point cloud with a resulting count of 100 million points. The point cloud was used as a reference for the reverse engineering performed using the engineering CAM software.


The Manor House in Bernolákovo

“Digitalization and BIM object installation in Bernolákovo”

Kaštieľ z 18. storočia situovaný v Bernolákove sa stal miestom kde sa natáča po vzore Britskej verzie “The Great British Bake Off” slovenskou verziou “Pečie celé Slovensko”.
Z dôvodu časovo – realizačného plánu bolo úlohou vytvoriť digitálny terénny model územia pre novo navrhovanú architektonickú konštrukciu skeletu na mieste budúcej natáčaciej kulisy pre túto show.

Vďaka kombinácii TLS (terestrického laser skenovanie) a fotogrametrie sme získali virtuálny model terénu s vysokou presnosťou v rámci ktorého sme nami pripravení BIM objekt tohto skeletu správme situovali na pozemku.

Za použitia inteligentného 3D BIM modelu bolo možné ponúknuť komplexnú službu nielen vzhľadom na správne polohovanie na danom území, rovnako tak súčasťou výstupov bol situácia, výkresová dokumentácia a výkaz a výmer materiálov.Kombináciou týchto metód vieme rýchlo a efektívne napomôcť k úspešnej realizácii projektov takéhoto rozsahu.


Brno on the threshold of digitization!

“Brno City Avenue”

Brno is a vibrant and rapidly developing urban structure. The multitude of conceptual solutions that the Moravian metropolis offers in combination with strategic planning, the demand from building contractors, architectural and design offices, require digital data for the implementation of projects such as the “Brno City Avenue”. The 3D dataset is an absolutely essential part of strategic planning and fact generation, thanks to which individual solutions can be confronted and refined for further successful project management.
The company DiMATZ, s.r.o. within the implementation of the project “Brno City Avenue detailed diagnostics and findings before the implementation of the new road Zvonařka / Cejl.” digitized the entire area of the future strategic development leading through the commercial streets, across the construction site, and the strategic infrastructure in the form of Brnenské Teplárne. The processed digital data serve as a relevant base map for the initiation of the second phase of geophysical measurements.
By choosing the right methodology – a combination of MLS backpack (due to hard-to-reach places) with aerial support, it was possible to prepare a digital model of the entire routing serving as a passport of the actual situation. Measurement in figures: 11.26 running km, 3.4 million points, 22 GB of data.


The Spiš Art Nouveau

“Digitization of Art Nouveau buildings”

In 2021, we realized several digitalizations of historical objects, such as the beautiful Art Nouveau building situated on the square in Spišská Nová Ves, which was built on the rapidly changing square.
The importance of this building is also helped by the proximity of the classical town hall and also the tallest neo-Gothic tower from the end of the 19th century (1893) in Slovakia with a height of 87m, which is on the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the help of the LiDAR solution, drawing documentation in vector format was prepared for the Monuments Office. Due to the complex reconstruction of the façade and the courtyard, the digital passport is a necessary component before the start of further reconstruction works.
Save your time and money on laborious measuring and redrawing of the documentation of rugged historical objects using the classical method and use a faster, more accurate, and more efficient way of digitization.


Kunsthalle Košice

“Digitalization of a former swimming pool transformed into a modern art hall – Kunsthalle"

The original swimming pool building from 1962 on Rumanova Street in Košice, designed by the Košice architect Ladislav Greč, was reconstructed with funds from the European Commission. After the construction of a new four-lane road in the place of the original riverbed, the building could no longer fulfil its original purpose due to technical reasons. The reconstruction, worth almost 7.5 million euro, was completed in July 2013. The Kunsthalle/Hall of Art building in its new form already serves as an exhibition centre. The Kunsthalle now has several exhibition halls, a screening room with a grandstand, a bar, and on the upper floor there are rooms suitable for smaller congresses.


Technical University of Košice

“Digitization of the former campus of the Technical University in Košice”

Universitas Cassoviensis was founded in Košice as early as 1657, technical education was not elevated to the level of higher education until 1762 when the Austro-Hungarian EmpressMaria Theresa founded the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica. It provided education and carried out research activities in the whole complex of scientific disciplines, from ore mining to the production, and processing of metallic materials.Technical University of Košice was founded in 1952.
The subject of our work was the imaging of objects of the Technical University in Košice (TUKE). Using LIDAR, we acquired a point cloud of the entire campus. The output was used to prepare the basis for the design of green roofs in that area.
The produced point cloud can be further used for various functions, such as measuring distances with an accuracy of 3 to 4cm, calculating areas and volumes, classifying individual objects according to type (buildings, vegetation, roads…).


Žiar nad Hronom

“Digitization of the central zone of Žiar nad Hronom”

The town of Žiar nad Hronom is located in the Banská Bystrica region, in the Central Pohronie Region, in the Žiar Basin. It spreads mainly on the right side of the Hron River. The cadastral area of the Town is 40 sq. km. The Žiar Basin is bordered on the west by the Vtáčnik Mountains, the north and east by the Kremnické Mountains, and the south by the Štiavnické Mountains. In this area, a crossroad of important communication links was naturally created. Roads from the town radiate out in the directions of Prievidza, Nitra, Zvolen, and Kremnica. The Bratislava-Zvolen railway line passes through the town. Distance from Banská Bystrica is 30 km as the crow flies and from Bratislava 150 km.
Scanning of the central zone of Žiar nad Hronom was carried out with a terrestrial scanner mounted on a vehicle. The result of this scanning is a point cloud, photogrammetry, orthophotomaps. The output was used as a digital twin.


Eset Campus

“Digitization of the abandoned military hospital premises on Patrónka”

Eset continues preparations for the construction of the Eset Campus – a global science and research centre on the site of the former St. Michael’s Military Hospital in Bratislava. A project for the demolition of the former medical facility has already been submitted for environmental impact assessment. The reason for this is the unsatisfactory structural and technical condition of abandoned buildings and utility networks. The former hospital was in operation until 2015.
Based on this fact, we were approached to develop the digitization of the site. In those premises, we have digitized the entire area. The result is a 3D point cloud, photogrammetry, and orthophotomaps. From the outputs, we further determined the total volume of buildings as a basis for demolition, the total area of vegetation, planimetry, and topography.


Old Town Hall in Košice

“Digitization and passporting of the Great Hall of the Old Town Hall”

Even historically significant buildings cannot avoid some modernisation. In times of pandemics, for example, the importance and relevance of modern air-conditioning systems in the halls of public and cultural buildings has become apparent.

For this purpose, we were invited to digitalize and passport the building of the Historical Town Hall in Košice, and in particular the Great Hall of this beautiful building.

After completing 39 sites and 114 links, the result of our work is a cloud with 11 million points with a precision of 5mm. Such a dense and high-quality cloud was used as the basis for the BIM of the building, which will be further utilized by the experts on state-of-the-art air conditioning technology.



DIMATZ s.r.o.
Kupeckeho 516/3
821 08 Bratislava
Business ID: 50 415 191
Tax ID:  2120336999
VAT: SK2120336999

Tel: +421 940 908 444
E-mail: info@dimatz.com